Our Mission: To connect and enrich the Illinois water community
and increase the awareness of the impact and value of water.

Illinois Resources

Illinois EPA
The mission of the Illinois EPA is to safeguard environmental quality, consistent with the social and economic needs of the State of Illinois, so as to protect health, welfare, property, and the quality of life.

Illinois Section American Water Works Association
The Illinois Section AWWA is dedicated to safe and sustainable water for Illinois. We realize that water is a limited precious resource, and we need to protect it as our life depends on it. 

Illinois Pollution Control Board
The Board is an independent agency created in 1970 by the Environmental Protection Act (Act). Under the Act, the Board has two major responsibilities: determining, defining, and implementing environmental control standards for the State of Illinois, and adjudicating complaints that allege non-criminal violations of the Act.

Illinois Association of Wastewater Agencies
IAWA is oriented to meet the needs of Administrators and Managers who are concerned with clean streams and are responsible for wastewater collection and treatment in the State of Illinois.

Illinois Department of Agriculture
The Illinois Department of Agriculture will be an advocate for Illinois' agricultural industry and provide the necessary regulatory functions to benefit consumers, agricultural industry, and our natural resources. 

Illinois Department of Natural Resources
The DNR protects, conserves, and manages the state's natural resources.

Illinois Lakes Management Association
ILMA Promotes understanding and comprehensive management of lake and watershed ecosystems

Illinois Rural Water Association
IRWA is a non-profit organization of rural water and wastewater systems. We provide training and technical assistance throughout the state of Illinois. Membership is open to all organizations and individuals associated with the water and wastewater industry

Environmental Resources Training Center
 ERT is Illinois' center for the continuing education of personnel involved in the operation, maintenance and management of drinking water and wastewater treatment systems.

Illinois Municipal League
The Illinois Municipal League is the formal voice for Illinois municipalities. The League was founded in 1913 and has worked continuously for the benefit of municipalities, promoting competence and integrity in administration of municipal government. 

Illinois Association of Water Pollution Control Operators
(IAWPCO brings together wastewater treatment professionals that represent government municipalities, private industries, universities, and student apprentices across Illinois. We are dedicated to improving the environment through the advancement of knowledge and technologies.

Illinois Groundwater Association
The IGA seeks to advance the knowledge of groundwater resources in Illinois and functions exclusively for charitable and educational purposes.