Our Mission: To connect and enrich the Illinois water community
and increase the awareness of the impact and value of water.

High School Students

The Illinois Water Environment Association has opportunities for high school students who want to learn about our water environment and explore potential careers.

Environmental Career Scholarship
The IWEA Environmental Career Scholarship is designed to aid science minded students preparing for college. IWEA will award a $500 scholarship to a high school student who is college bound and interested in science and the environment. Scholarship winners will be introduced at the IWEA's Annual Conference. The IWEA will offer a reimbursement grant of up to $250 to the teacher who wrote letter of recommendation for the scholarship award winner.

Clean Water Award
Students participating in the Illinois Junior Academy of Science (IJAS) State Science Exposition are eligible for the Clean Water Award. These Awards are presented to students whose science projects best demonstrate the application of scientific methods in their research in an area relating to our surface, underground or atmospheric water environment. By acknowledging the efforts of students conducting investigations on projects relating to our water environment, the IWEA hopes to encourage Illinois youth to become interested in improving the quality of our water resources and protecting all aspects of our environment.

Stockholm Junior Water Prize

The SJWP is the world's most prestigious award presented to a high school student for a water-research project IWEa coordinates with the Water Environment Federation  to execute the program. The competition is held in June in order to send the national winner to the international competition in late August.  It is open to public, private, or independent high school students in grades 9-12, that have reached the age of 15 by Aug. 1 of the competition year, and have conducted water-related science projects. Judging criteria are the same as the international competition and include ratings for relevance, methodology, subject knowledge, practical skills, creativity and paper/presentation.